The stories we tell matter. Stories have the power to not only frame reality, but create reality. When working with vulnerable populations, we have an opportunity to tell hopeful, dignifying, human stories. Stories not only connect donors and volunteers to our work, but give life and hope to the people we serve. It was one of my greatest privileges to lead Compassion First’s communications and marketing strategy creatively and ethically.

These photos and videos were collected on a trip to Indonesia with a media team that I led and directed. We spent a couple of weeks with the women and children served by Compassion First involving them in our process, teaching them photography skills, and allowing them to direct the storytelling process. The photos and videos were used to produce the East Java Campaign and the Give Joy Campaign.


In order to tell stories ethically and honestly, each person must maintain ownership over their own story. It was important to give the women and children served by Compassion First an opportunity to use cameras, and be an active participant in our process. A powerful way that we accomplished this was through an activity at our aftercare shelter. We spent a morning teaching child sex trafficking survivors a few photography techniques, and gave them a load of disposable cameras. They had a blast with these "vintage cameras" and took some really beautiful photos. 

Imel’s Story

We spent an entire day with Imel and her son, getting to know her and her story. I conducted the interview and project managed the videographer after the trip to ensure that the final video effectively told the story honestly, honoring Imel’s strength and dignity as a survivor.